Saturday 23 August 2008

How To Palm-Read

I mentioned in this post (which seems like ages ago, I might add!) that I had big plans for palmistry. Admittedly, they were briefly forgotten plans, but now they are very much plans in action! The best kind of plans!

After some careful and fruitful internet snooping, I’ve been teaching myself how to read palms. Here’s how you can read your palm, too.

The lines on your hand may change as you gain experiences, so some people think of palmistry as more accurate (if any of it can be said to be accurate) than things such as the zodiac. Palmistry is not supposed to tell the future, it’s supposed to tell the past.

Firstly, I tried out this website. It doesn’t so much explain how to read your palm, but more reads it for you and tells you the result. This is what it said for me, I’ll make it small because it’s very wordy:

"Dynamism, power, leadership and zest characterise your personality. Highly energised and enthusiastic, you hold out even during tough times. But remember not to overdo this. Your decision-making is swift and on-the-spot most of the times. Versatility is thy other name. You are also romantic, but with a generous dash of challenge thrown in.

Your index finger is short. This makes you a dependable team player. A position of command is not for you. But you do have a keen eye for detail. You can be impulsive; not all your moves are quite rational. Look out! Stress could get the better of you. Your index finger being longer than your ring finger points to you being realistic but aggressive at the same time. Yet, you are not able to stand your ground at times. Your sense of judgement is finely balanced. Your middle finger being longer than the adjoining fingers in length signifies an even view towards life. You are extremely organised; seldom ever do you 'come apart' in any situation. You seem to have all stages of your life worked out to the last detail, and possess an unbiased and sagacious personality. You evaluate and analyse all your actions towards achieving your goals in life and get there through sheer dedication and will power. The top of your ring finger is in level with the base of the fingernail of your middle finger. You are a sweet talker and can seduce most people and bend them to your will. But this style may have only sho
rt-lived results! Since your little finger is set lower than your other fingers, you encumber and impede your own life. The pursuit of goals seems unimportant to you and hence you make no effort to reach out. Your little finger does not reach the first flexure line (joint) of your ring finger. You are a shy introvert and speak only when spoken to. You are intelligent and knowledgeable, yet uncommunicative.

You have a long life and will live to up to about 70. You attach a lot of importance to customs and rituals. You prefer constancy and stability to change. You are deeply attached to your home.

Your head line touches your line of life. You are an extremely conservative person. All innovation is deplorable; you stick resolutely to what you learned during your 'growing up' years. Make sure you don't offend or suffocate others with your fixed ways. Your headline ends in a fork. You contemplate deeply before executing plans. This trait is usually inherent in lawyers and authors. Your headline is medium straight. You are a highly rational individual. You are thought oriented and never act before thinking it through.

You are a highly energetic person who emotes with physical touch. Your personality is marked by a strong sensual presence. You demonstrate your feelings freely - be these feelings of affection or otherwise.

Since your fateline starts in the middle of the palm, it reflects that you have a strong sense of individuality. You are meticulous and full of determination."

I think that was pretty damn interesting. I think it is quite accurate too, I’d say so anyway, but then I never know with these type of things because some of them are so general they could be true for anyone.

But enough of this lesbian jam! I want to know how to actually read a palm, not just the outcome!

Left, Right, Left

The palm you read should be your dominant hand, so it will depend on whether you are right or left handed. Apparently, right handed people are usually more logical and left handed people are usually more creative, this is due to the corresponding sides of the brain attached to these hands. How interesting!


Different fingers are said to signify different things:

Index finger = Ego & Ambition
Middle Finger = Balance
Ring Finger = Emotions & Creativity
Little Finger = Communication


I hope you like this little picture I drew.

Obviously if your hand actually looks like that it's probably been mangled in some sort of horrific accident, and I'm very sorry indeed.

The whole line reading thing is pretty obvious - if a line, for example your head line is very straight then that supposedly means that you have very fixed ways of thinkings. If it is curved it means you have the ability to be very flexible in the way you think. This applies to all lines, really. A short line may signify short sightedness in terms of ways of thinking, and a head line which branches out might mean someone who can think in a variety of ways.

'Writer's Fork'

If your head line has a fork at the end of it, this is called a 'writer's fork'. It shows a versatile and adaptable nature. I have one, which is very nice, but I don't think I am particularly adaptable. Oh well, nice to say I've got a 'writer's fork'. Now I just have to write something.

Lines can also affect each other, for example if the head or the heart line appears to be pushing at the other, that could signify that you let your head rule your heart, or vice versa.

Aside from all that basic stuff, this website looks quite good, though I've not had a proper look yet.

There we go. Now let's all stare at our hands! What fun!

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