Monday 18 August 2008

Little Fish, Big Pond

...More like minuscule fish, ruddy massive ocean.

I had a meeting at work this morning which was for all the team leaders. I do run a team, but it's pretty much the smallest team around, at one point it was just me in fact, but it's usually 2 or 3 people.

This meeting had an awfully scary amount of bigwigs (that's a scary word, isn't it - bigwigs... sounds like earwigs... eugh). I felt exteremly out of my depth. But for no justifiable reason, actually. I mean, I understood everything they were talking about - I know how the company and most of the departments are run, and I run mine well but these people were just so... corporate.

I don't know, just dreary and obsessed with figures and targets and all that balls. I suppose it's just the daunting size of the company more than anything. Oh well... I don't care. I'm leaving in a month or so. I go to work, I work, I leave work. I live the rest of my life.

I was far more interested in the proper tea (the vending machine tea in my office is truly revolting) and the biscuits! Ooooh the biscuits! Good times. Makes it all worth while, really.

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