Thursday 14 August 2008

Electric Assumptions

Yays and nays is back... without a vengeance, really, I'd say it was more of a quiet enthusiasm.

Olympics - I love that everyone gets really into the Olympics. Much better than the World Cup, because no-one likes football really, we all know it's just invented to make men look manly.

- Our very brief lack of electricity earlier this week made me realise how lucky we are to have such a thing. It's taken for granted, but when it's not there it's very strange indeed!

New Songs - I got some new songs on my iPod recently. I discovered that weirdly I walk faster when I'm listening to new songs rather than old ones, it helped me get to work quicker. Strange, but true. Any suggestions of bands?
Chavs - If you want a job, work somewhere that doesn't require intelligence, or social skills. Don't come to my office, because no-one will like you.

Crazy Office People - No you're not crazy, you're incredibly safe and predictable. Your generic, inoffensive office humour makes me want to throw my shoes at you.

Assumptions - Because when you assume, you make an 'ass' of 'u' and 'me'.

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