Friday 26 September 2008

Delays & Nays

After a slight pause, here we have it...

Painting - Oh my goodness, Sarah and I have been painting all day and we are exhausted! We painted the kitchen and the bathroom and now our house is like a giant colourful palace!

Simon Pegg - Was on Jonathan Ross today! Not literally, because that wouldn't be suitable for the BBC, but they were talking about various things that are going on and it was very interesting. Sarah and I have a suspicion that the new Simon Pegg and Nick Frost film will either be sci-fi or have something to do with Star Wars! You also might be interested to know that 'Colin' the Schnauzer in Spaced is in fact Simon Pegg's dog and she's called 'Mini'.

Taboo - Possibly the most fun game ever. Extra points for playing with a pillow attached to your face.

No Chocolate - We have no chocolate in the house. Why?! More importantly - how do we get some without having to leave the sofa?!

Tiredness - We are so very very tired after painting all day - it's exhausting work I tell you! But it was definitely worth it.

- It was so cold today! Too cold even to drink tea! ... Ok maybe that's a lie, but it was very cold.

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