Sunday 12 October 2008

Venn Vill I See You Again...?

I passed my driving test the other day, so I thought I should probably say something about it because I am rather pleased with myself.

Saying that, I've known I have been able to drive for quite some time now, and the fact that I needed to go through all that rhubarb just to prove it is a load of balls if you ask me. It's bastarding bureaucracy defining people by which pieces of paper they have... and it pisses me off. Anyway, I don't care anymore because I've passed so hoorah! Hoorah indeed!

I have now entered the ranks of people who drive cars. The glamourous world of Lewis Hamilton, Gary Numan and Noddy. Unfortunately, there's no song about my car so in a venn-diagram I would be stuck in a circle with Lewis Hamilton.

However, if we bring in a 'people who wear hats' feature to this diagram, I would still be in the same circle as Lewis Hamilton... damn... I've seen him wearing quite a lot of hats. But I tell you what that bloke doesn't have... is a bitchin' blog with venn-diagrams! Stick that in your exhaust and smoke it!

What we can conclude from this diagram, is that Noddy is at the center of everything.

Update: This diagram is now inaccurate, as Sarah has just written me a song about my car. It's pink and shiny! Woop!

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