Wednesday 29 October 2008

Stupid & Ugly Population

I’ve decided I much prefer living in the macrocosm of the world, as opposed to the microcosm of university. (Shock! I know, what a revelation – university isn’t the world in it’s entirety!) This is because of maths… I think… no I’m not going to do fat maths again, more like ugly and stupid maths.

My theory is, in comparison to the entire population of the world, I would like to think that I wasn’t unattractive or stupid. The rubbish bit occurs when you go to university, and against the entire population of your university (as a microcosm) you are not comparatively attractive, and are actually quite stupid. It’s all to do with percentages – and ages, actually.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t care. I never cared in the first place it’s just an observation, but I’ve realise that these people you see walking around university who look like they’ve just come from a photo shoot or something are actually very sad individuals: you can tell how much time they’ve spent on their appearance. Correct me if I'm wrong but I dont' think makeup is supposed to be a gauge of how much free time you have.

I must say I am jealous of them having enough free time to straighten their hair and apply foundation every bloody morning, but to be honest I’m anaemic and I cycle around 4 miles on a weekday – I could really do with the extra half an hour sleep. It’s enough of a struggle getting through the day and getting 60% of what I want to do done without fainting, falling over, or hitting someone – I shouldn’t have to look attractive whilst doing it.

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