Tuesday 28 October 2008

Andrew Sachs

You may have heard about this...

Part 1

Part 2

Althought I'm not very fond of Jonathan Ross, and Russell Brand occasionally annoys me, I thought it was quite funny.

If you don't want to listen to it, as it is rather long, basically it's Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand calling Andrew Sachs (Manuel in Fawlty Towers) to see why he wasn't at their interview. It descends into a bizarre prank call where it is revealed that Russell Brand has slept with his granddaughter.

But don't worry, they make up for it by calling him back many times (once with a song), and Russell Brand asks "If [he] can marry - that's right MARRY... your granddaughter, 'Georgina the granddaughter'" with plans of a "Fawlty Towers themed wedding". He then screams, "I'm sorry! I'll do anything! I wore a condom!! Put the phone down!! Ahhhhhh!! Noooooo!! Look, I've got a mental illness..." I particularly liked the song.

I feel like I should be outraged, but it's too funny.

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