Sunday 18 January 2009

Potatoes & Custard

The headline of The Times said: 'Japan creates Iron Man-style robotic suit'. The key word there being 'style'. If you actually read the article you can see that it has nothing to do with being a superhero and more to do with harvesting potatoes. What a load of old tosh. I hate it when journalists do that... "Oh, people will only be interested in the news if we somehow relate it to pop culture". I'd expect it from The Sun but honestly The Times, you ought to pull your papery socks up!

Why couldn't the headline be: 'Japan creates Potato-Man style robotic suit'. Then I wouldn't feel mislead. Actually, I might, I would probably expect to see something resembling Mr Potato-head... I'd much rather see Robert Downey Jr.

I'm very aware this blog makes little sense, but I'm writing this at half two after getting back from work so I think you shall excuse me for my rhubarb, but hey, atleast it's in English.

is an entirely different matter, and one which I don't expect to be excused.

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