Monday 19 January 2009

French Phrases

Here are some phrases in French which I found quite interesting...

A vue de nez (Literally: View of the nose) = "By rule of thumb"

Avoir un chat dans la gorge (Literally: To have a cat in the throat) = "Frog in your throat"

Comme une éléphant dans un magasin du porcelaine (Literally: Like an elephant in a porcelain shop) = "Like a bull in a china shop"

Dormir comme un loir (Literally: To sleep like a doormouse) = "Dead to the world"

En faire tout un plat (Literally: To make any meal) = "Make a mountain out of a molehill"

Etre comme le jour et la nuit (Literally: To be like the day and the night) = "Like chalk and cheese"

Il y a un os (Literally: There is a bone) = "A fly in the ointment"

Les doigts dans le nez (Literally: Fingers in the nose) = "To do something standing on one's head"

I particularly like the last one... so next time someone asks you if you can do something, just tell them, "I could do that with my fingers up my nose!"

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