Saturday 24 January 2009


I didn't translate this - I wouldn't even try and translate poetry (it seems a bit perverse) but I thought this beautiful poem was worth sharing.

Clotilde (Alcools)

L'anémone et l'ancolie
ont poussé dans le jardin
où dort la mélancolie
entre l'amour et le dédain

Il y vient aussi nos ombres
que la nuit dissipera
le soleil qui les rends sombre
avec elles disparaîtra

les déités des eaux vives
laisent couler leur longs cheveux
passe il faut que tu poursuive
cette belle ombre que tu veux

Clotilde (Alcools)

The anemone and flower that weeps
have grown in the garden plain
where Melancholy sleeps
between Amor and Disdain

There our shadows linger too
that the midnight will disperse
the sun that makes them dark to view
will with them in dark immerse

The deities of living dew
Let their hair flow down entire
It must be that you pursue
That lovely shadow you desire

-- Guillaume Apollinaire - Clotilde

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