Thursday 29 January 2009

Decapitating Sailor Jerry

C'est Jeudi, c'est yays & nays, naturellement! Except that I keep forgetting but ho-hum nevermind.

Light - Days are getting lighter. This can only be a good thing, as much as I like cosy winter evenings, they do make you feel a bit lazy after a while.

Earl - We have a house for next year and it will be the most beautiful house on the street, nee - planet!

Sailor Jerry - He's a fun guy.

- Nora is nearing the end of her beautiful bloomy period, and will soon have to be decapitated for the next few months! Don't worry, she'll be back to her beautiful self again though - I'll make sure of it!

Exams - I did my French exam, not sure how it went I think it was ok but you never can tell. I just don't like exams, I'd much prefer to work properly on an essay.

Bang! - My books keep falling off their shelves and it's quite annoying.

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