Friday 28 November 2008

Aggressive Malfoys

If I remember rightly, Cissy once referred to me as “the most aggressive person [she] know[s]”1… it might have been 'violent' actually, but I’m not sure. After much thought and deliberation, I would like to justify this accusation.

I have discovered that this aggression stems from maternal instincts, and the strong need to protect everything and everyone that I love. For example, if anyone, (even the Queen… or Jesus!) hurts anyone I love, I will rip off their bastarding heads and flush them down the toilet, and have no qualms with this whatsoever. This is why my aggression tends to be sporadic.

I was thinking about this today when I had a 1-2-1 with my tutor – the way I behaved in that meeting compared to, for example, how I behave at work. I’m not exactly going to be polite and quiet around the blokes in the pub, they’d eat you alive, but then I can’t exactly tell my tutor to “fuck off” when she tells me my referencing was wrong.

I’d like to think I was generally a nice person, but if I feel threatened... someone’s head’s going down the loo.

1. Malfoy, Narcissa, Things I Think That Sophie Is, (Malfoy Manor, Malfoy Press Ltd. 2007)

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