Sunday 6 December 2009

Know Way

You want the truth? You can't handle the truth.

Ok, maybe you can - but stupid people can't. The truth is that knowledge is not something that should be doled out willy-nilly. It should be like antibiotics and distributed by people who know what they're doing for a set amount of time and regulated.

Imagine explaining the congestion charge to a toddler - it would baffle their cute little brains. Imagine explaining contraception to the cast of the Jeremy Kyle show - they'd probably try and put a slinky up their mimsys.

What I'm trying to say is that the acquisition knowledge is only good in certain situations. It's only good if you're smart enough to process the information in the first place. Also, if you're already equip with the other knowledge that makes it all make sense, if you know what I mean. (The state of public transport, a doctor should probably be doing that instead really...)

Of course, everyone should be given equal opportunities. Stupid people have the opportunity to become not stupid by learning; it's all available if you're intelligent enough to care. Bombarding people with knowledge is a dangerous thing, if they don't have the time or means to process it and make use of it.

If I was told right this second how to cheat at the lottery, I would probably (not) do it (but for the sake of this point, let's pretend I would). I'd then get arrested for fraud and being a pervert in the court of justice or something. Knowledge is a dangerous thing.

When I was two or three, my mum kept telling me how my fringe was getting very long but she didn't have time to cut it for a while. I thought, "Oh, I'll help her out" and cut my fringe in the paddling pool. Entirely wonky. This is knowledge that I shouldn't have been given, because I was too little to fully understand. I had pieces of information: my fringe should be cut, fringes are cut with scissors, where to get the scissors, etc. I then had to face the embarrassment of not only a wonky fringe, but the resulting photo, which has been in my dad's wallet for the past 18 years.

What needed to be done was the piecing together of this information, and the realisation that it was a bad idea. This, I think, is the cause of a great deal of problems in society. If we didn't tell people anything, they wouldn't have a ruddy clue what to do, and they'd just stand still all day and gawp at clouds or something.

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