Tuesday 4 December 2007

German Words

Bit of a German theme over the last two days. Hmmm… it’s probably because I’ve been inspired and reading Rilke today and have begun thinking in German again. Reminds me what a brilliant language German is – and of some of the hilarious words it allows you to use.

I’ve been rather bored today, so I thought I’d compile some of my favourite German words:

10. Über - Purely because it’s fun to say. Pronounced with the ‘U’ sounding sort of like a ‘OU’.

9. Scheibenwischer – (English: Windscreen wipers) – They sound like what they are. I like that about German words.

8. Wasserstoff – (English: Hydrogen) – Literally means ‘water stuff’, I think it’s pretty cool, it’s a good example of compounded German words with literal meanings. Brilliant.

7. Arschgeweih – (English: Arse-antlers) - Sounds rude. And it is… sort of. Refers to when people have tattoos above their arse.

6. Fickakopf – (English: fuckhead) - I just think it’s funny because I’m immature.

5. Schmetterling – (English: Butterfly) – I like the way it sounds. Sccchmetttterrrrliiiing!

4. Ohrwurm – (English: Catchy song) - You know like when you can’t get a song out of your head? The literal translation could be ‘ear worm’, but it means a catchy song. I don’t know why, but I just like the thought of songs as worms. Screw the eels, it’ll be - “Ohrwurms up inside ya, findin’ an enterance where they can!”

3. Depp – (English: Idiot) – Gutted Johnny.

2. Arch – (English: Arse) – I know I already said Arschgeweih, but I just like seeing that English and German swear words are actually the same thing with a few letters added/missed out.

1. Schneeman – (English: Snowman) - It’s seasonal, and fun to say. The more you elongate the ‘ee’, the funnier the word becomes.

Sorry if I’ve got any words wrong, I’m working from memory and it’s been a while since I’ve been in the German frame of mind.

Writing this has given me several ideas for other writings. You know, the writings I said I’d do on my gap year when instead I’ve been busy being unemployed, baking cakes and poncing around in ridiculous shoes.

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